Production brief by Michael and Isaac Unknown 11:35 Add Comment Planning , Research Edit I am working with Isaac to put together an opening scene for a drama film. Isaac is doing the camera work whereas I'm doing the editing. Isaac is extremely confident with using the camera. He's been watching many drama movies, identifying different camera shots and incorporating them in our production. I have also been watching films and highlighting different editing techniques to incorporate in our production. Our production is about a young man struggling in life due to poor education and non-privileged past unlike others in his perspective. He works in various places trying to make a bit of money to financially stabilize himself. He bumps into a couple drug dealers, offering him the opportunity to make some 'illegal' money. Due to his certain circumstances, he takes the offer. But is this really the end for him? That's should be the question set by the audience at the end of this scene. Share this:
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